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  1. I am finding it impossible to register my three Affinity applications in order to activate Studio Link .I have accessed my account through the Serif web site but I am unable to do it through any Affinity application. The settings for my account appear to be correct. I am still using versions 1 and will be upgrading to 2 soon. Could you please advise. Mac 10.14.6
  2. I have been working on multiple Publisher files and I have just discovered that I now have a folder containing "auto-save" files that exceeds 1GB on my hard drive. As I am running out of disc space I would like to delete these files but, before I do, I just wanted to check that this would be a perfectly safe procedure and not in any way negatively affect my actual Publisher files. I suspect it won't but I don't want to mess things up because I was being too hasty. Thanks Yemil
  3. Thank you for your quick reply. That is useful to know. I will watch the video to learn more about preserving user settings.. As it was, I remembered that I had a fresh backup copy of the program installed on a another hard drive. I uninstalled the corrupted version with App Cleaner and copied the fresh version back onto my work disk. The program now works perfectly and it only took a few minutes and I have no more issues. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it before ????…….Fredzheimers perhaps….. Thanks again…..
  4. Until this morning Affinity Photo has worked just fine for over a year,however today, it crashes whenever I try to save a file. It seems to be so corrupted I can no longer work with it. It is also running more slowly than normal. I am running it on a Mac Pro OS 10.7.5 as I am unable to upgrade to more recent OS systems due to the age of my computer which is no longer supported by Apple. I have already run Disc Repair, the disc is OK and I also repaired the permissions but to no avail. It still crashes. I think the problem might be solved if I trash a preferences file but there are four of them. Question….Can I trash them all or is there one in particular I should trash ? I don't want to make the situation worse by trashing a wrong one. Or as a secondary solution…..should I just do a reinstall which means having to go through the App Store again and that is always a pain ? Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks Limey
  5. I have an old Mac Pro running OSX 10.7.5. Alas it is only 32 bit. I recently had a computer crash but all is up and running again except for PS CS3 which I am now unable to activate without running into a subscription issue. (To hell with Adobe for ever, their obnoxious schemes to milk money from their customers stink….) So, I looked into buying comparable software and Affinity came up tops in reviews.This program seems to be just what I am looking for. Unfortunately the latest version of Affinity will not work on my computer. My question is this. Is there an older version that I can purchase and download. I am looking at updating my computer because this 32/64 bit issue is becoming a nightmare, but I need something to keep me going for now. Hopefully there is an older version of Affinity available…..? Thanks Peter
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