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Everything posted by RaymondPM

  1. It's been a while since I've seriously used a product like Affinity Designer. The last one was Corel Draw about 20 years ago. One of the things it could do (if I remember correctly) was to convert an image (JPG etc.) to curves. That allowed someone like myself, with negligible artistic ability, to have a sound base from which to start producing a finished item. AD does have the ability to convert to curves but it does not appear to work on images. Is that something that will be added if it isn't already possible to do so? Or if images can be converted to curves already, how is it done?
  2. I've just updated from Affinity Designer to After .NET 4.6.2 was installed, there was a noticeable amount of time spent calculating space requirements right at the start of the installation, with no indication of any progress being made. It spent so long on my Core i7 laptop, running Windows 7, that I thought that maybe it had crashed. There was a second message about calculating space requirements later on in the installation dialogue but that had an indicator bar associated with it. However, did that second calculation need to be done?
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