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Everything posted by Séverine

  1. Hi @Hangman ! Thanks for the info and the files. Unfortunately there is a problem on the final files the layers are not all merged. It seems there is a problem starting page 13... I really don't know why ? See enclosed screen recording Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-04-05 à 10.22.48.mov
  2. Sorry maybe i explained bad...English is not my native language. Enclosed my test file in AD ("test affinity" file) I have a form with 2 sizes (2 layers) and 2 A4 artboards. I export artboard 1 and then artboard 2. (see pdfs enclosed "test P1" and "test P2") Then i use the website ilovepdf to merge and obtain "test P1_P2 merged" were the layers are merged. Hope you will be able to succeed too. I havent seen the 25 pages limits but normally a A0 pattern should fit into 25 A4 pages. test affinity.afdesign test P1.pdf test P2.pdf test P1_test P2_merged.pdf
  3. In the meantime, I just found a quite easy and free solution with the online tool here : https://www.ilovepdf.com I just export the artboards in one file. Then use the "merge" tool to recreate one document with all pages and... magic... the layers are merged too ! So happy ! Maybe it can help you too !
  4. Well... As a non tech and non native english speaking person i am not sure to understand everything... Except that it is complicated 🤪 In the meantime, I just found a quite easy and free solution with the online tool "ilovepdf.com" I just export the artboards one by one. Then use the "merge" tool to recreate one document with all pages and... magic... the layers are merged too ! So happy !
  5. Thanks for your answer. I wondered if I was doing something wrong, but now I understand that AD is not allowing layers being merged when multipages documents. I think i will stay with illustrator for the moment since this feature is key for my business... and hope it will evolve in the future (and maybe developers can add a functionality to merge layers ?) since I think a lot of sewing patterns designers would love to switch from illustrator to AD Thanks again for your prompt and clear answer Séverine
  6. I have exactly the same problem, which is a big issue for sewing patterns makers 😞 Hope the developpers of AD will be able to allow merging layers in the future... I will have to stay with illustrator for the moment this this feature is key for my business...
  7. Hi to all of you ! I have a question about exporting layers when there are several artboards. I want to use Affinity to create multi-size sewing patterns. A sewing pattern generally extends over an A0 sheet, with different layers corresponding to the different sizes of the garment. The goal is that the clients can use the exported PDF by selecting only the size or sizes that interest them thanks to the layers. To allow printing at home I have to "cut" this A0 into several A4 sheets, which I do by using several A4 artboards, side by side, on which I place my sewing pattern drawing. People print in A4 and then glue the pages end to end to make A0. The problem is that when I export the document with the different pages and layers, I end up with layers for each A4 page and not for the whole document. So the person who would like to display only one size must uncheck all the sizes page by page, which becomes complicated when you have 12 sizes on 20 pages ! How can I do please to have the layers merged and common to all pages of the exported document (as is the case in illustrator) ? Is there an option for that? As an example, I am attaching screenshots of a test I did in Affinity with a shape in 2 sizes on 2 A4 pages. - view in affinity before export - PDF exported with different layers for each page - PDF (exported with illustrator) with merged layers : my objective Thanks in advance for our help ! Séverine
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