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Everything posted by feltleftco

  1. I’m having the same issues on iPad - when I click “rulers” from the drop-down menu, the ruler will appear only until I touch the screen with my pen, and then they disappear again. When I reclick the drop down menu to show it again, it is already clicked as shown. I unclick it, reclick it, and the ruler appears, but again disappears when I touch the screen. Maddening and is making it unusable for my projects Additionally, the fact we can’t just put in centering guides with a single selection is wild to me. It’s a procreate basic to be able to immediately find the center point of your canvas, it’s wild we can’t do that with this program.
  2. I am deeply seconding this request - between no kerning options on ipad AND no server capacity for projects between devices, not being able to add spacing between text characters is extremely important and I'm shocked and concerned that it hasn't been implemented yet. As a designer, this is a very simple option that should be available on ipad, as numerous projects have required it and the manual moving is TEDIOUS beyond reason.
  3. Thank you for your response, the process for adding palettes is not very intuitive, but I appreciate that it is possible. When I put color A on my canvas, change the color choice to B, then want to go back to the color A, I use the color picker to get A, again, and it shows correctly at the top right where you see the round preview of the selected color, A. All good. However, when I go into the wheel to adjust the shade on the gradient, the wheel gradient is not the same color as A, it is a slightly different color (eg choosing a teal from my canvas, but the wheel is more slightly blue, not the correct teal). I must then find color A by sliding the wheel until I just think it's close enough. This is a bug and needs to be fixed, as we should be able to get the "picked color" from our canvas, to the color wheel, itself. Does that help make more sense?
  4. Hello There, I've noticed that when I try to color pick from colors on my canvas, the color will show correctly on the round swatch at the top right, but the color gradient on the wheel is incorrect and I'm unable to adjust the color on the gradient, because it immediately turns into the incorrect color of the wheel, rather than the color I selected. Is this a bug that will be fixed? I'm also shocked there seems to be no way to create my own color palettes for my projects, as a paid app. Is there a way I am overlooking? Thanks!
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