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  1. I'm still mostly using Illustrator. The Astute Graphics suite of Illustrator plugins add a ton of stuff that really give value, but more importantly, it adds a few must-have vector tools (like deleting a point on a curve and healing). I've been buying the Affinity software and other adobe-competing products just to support having another place to go to. I feel that opening up AD to functionality plugins similar to the AG suite may be just what's needed to break the hold illustrator has. Even if Affinity grows to cover all possible features, plugins would get your users there sooner, and plugins might also help in figuring out how certain features should be. Alternatively, if simplicity in UX is a goal, leaving some of the more advanced features to plugins may be a good way to fight off bloat. I'm sure these things are being discussed, and I don't expect this post to really change much, but still I hope someone considers these viewpoints. (I searched for a "main" AD plugins thread, found lots of small ones so I decided to make one for this viewpoint. Hope that's ok.)
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