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Mark Gatter

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  1. Just found that if I use the grabber hand to move from one page to another it's fine. As soon as I use the scroll bars, it breaks. Is there a fix for this? I've also got Affinity installed on a Windows machine and it's not affected.
  2. Hi Hangman, Each (horizontal) page is divided into two, a left and right column. I can fill the left column and then click / drag to fill the right column, and can click and drag again to create a text frame on the left of the next page – which I get to using the scrollbars. Once that frame is created is when the problem arrives. However, while this might point to the scrollbars being a problem, I've tried doing this while other documents are open. And the same thing happens to them, too, even though I've not made any changes to them at all.
  3. I'm not sure of the protocol here...but I've run into a problem with Publisher and would appreciate any help from anyone. My 'check for updates' feature tells me I'm completely up to date with the latest version, 2.2.0. I'm working on a 20-pg document and gradually importing text. I click on the 'link to a new text frame' icon on the right side of the existing text frame in order to then go to a new page and click and drag again. Every couple of pages, all the guides vanish, including the 'link to anew text frame' icon, so I can no longer click on it and carry the text on to the next page. If I close the document and re-open it, everything works fine again...for about 2 minutes. It's VERY frustrating. Any ideas? This didn't happen until I upgraded to 2.2.
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