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  1. This may be underwhelming, but I do not know. It is more of an example than it is of an actual project though. I'm not really that savvy with this program, although I've been using it for years.
  2. The reason to do this was, when I'm drawing, I shade it by putting a stroke over the object and using that stroke as a blur. I figured to put the blurred strokes inside the object, such as this eclipse, which makes it look better with white backgrounds. It also makes it much cleaner, as in when I put objects behind a shaded eclipse, for example, all the strokes that stick out would overlay the object behind the eclipse. I like to draw with the paintbrush tool, when making characters and objects, I find it easier to use strokes instead of converting the shape into a curve and editing it manually. However putting strokes inside of another stroke won't work, which is my issue.
  3. How did you create the curve? I forgot to mention I used a stroke.
  4. I have attached two files, one of them being the original and the other being an updated one. For the updated document, I changed the objects inside of it to be up to standard to other suggestions. When giving the right circle a fill color and a transparent stroke color, it disappears. Thank you. Curve Issue.afdesignCurve Issue Updated.afdesign
  5. Thank you for your addition, I have made both parent objects the same size. This change did not affect the visibility of the stroke.
  6. Thank you for your reply! You are absolutely correct, I didn't add this extra detail to my original post. However, to clarify, the child object was in the extents of the parent layer. I am unsure you know this detail, but "curve in a curve" refers to a stroke within a stroke.
  7. I am on Windows, Affinity Designer version 1.10.6. 1665 When I am placing a curve inside a shape, such as an Eclipse, the Curve will go inside the Shape. If I do the same thing with a Curve (Curve in a Curve), the child object disappears. (If I were to convert the Eclipse to a curve, it would behave the same way) How do I have the child object (the curve) behave just like if I were to use it with the circle. I make the Curves with the Brush tool in Designer Persona.
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