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  1. OK, It's the Assets, they are causing the lines. Dither gradients was turned on, Thanks. Unfortunately that could not recpair the lines. I found the only way to completely eliminate the break up was to Gaussian blur straight away, however even this was not a great remedy. I could also just darken the lines and they disappeared, but that seems, well, just not right. Could not see anyway to convert the assets to original photo specs and if it was done automatically it didn't work. Anybody know where I can get a whole bunch of new Skies presumably 16bit or high quality at least....😂 Do you all think that would be the best solution, I don't use them that often so it's very frustrating when they cause so much work. I want to thank you all for giving me good advice and ideas, it's great when other people give your brain a shake up...😂😂
  2. Never seen it, Will try it... Thank you very much, I'll be sure to let you know if it works.
  3. Before I would have agreed straight away, but I'm pretty sure I have the same on my .afphoto file...... Yes I have. BUT!! I just realised I dragged the clouds from my assets, they could be the culprit......Mmmm So your advice could be spot on, I'll try slightly blurring them before I add to the main picture. Thanks I'll let you know if it works.
  4. Is that an answer I've posted? I've used AP for years now but I stick to manipulating photos. Have I saved from Topaz in the wrong colour mode? Heard 16 bit was high quality so just selected it. Thanks for any further comments. Sorry I was so slow to get back, I have a great excuse, but won't bother you with it. I also thought I would get notifications for some reason, but anyway, thanks.
  5. Looking into the shadows of one of my photos I found these lines of colour separation, I've noticed it before and wondered if there were anyways to get rid of them or am I doing something wrong. I can't even blur them out, It's a puzzle to me, and it's happened a few times now.
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