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  1. Thanks Dan. A totally successful installation from that link... I'm now a happy man...! The Blue screen appeared two through the instalation of V1 at the same point each time. Screen claiming that there had been an error and had to be restarted. All I got was a desktop icon that coulsnt find the program. Obviously, because it hadnt completed. Sorry I didn't get a screen shot..
  2. Hi there. Ive just bought a new computer. I previously owned Affininity Photo V1 and wanted to reinstall it. (Not yet purchased V2.) So I signed into my Affinity Account and downloaded V1 from there without any issues. But when I try to install it. It gets halfway through and crashes my comp. (Blue screen) I have tried numerous times with the same result. No probs with other programs. Does anyone know if the download is still useable ?
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