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Rafael Serralheiro

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  1. Hi @DWright, It is not actually, I am using some frames from Unreal and from what I know I can only export 16bit EXR from Unreal. Is there a work around ?
  2. Hi Everyone I have been trying to troubleshot what is wrong with the new versions of Affinity Photo in accepting my OCIO files. I have watched the official tutorial as well as the documentation. And even after following every step by step it still does not work. So- 1- I load the OCIO file in the Edit- setting - Color. 2- The application restarts . 3- When I open it the OCIO Adjustment or the 32 bit preview stays grey out for all the OCIO Tabs. I don't know if this is a bug or if I am doing something wrong, but it would help a lot to fix this issue. Thank you :D
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