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  1. Amazing thank you, your first suggestion has worked a treat but will have a play around with your suggestion above also. Serious thanks to you for your help.
  2. Wow thank you so much for all your help, I really wasn't expecting so much and so quickly. And after realising I hadn't explained it well at all. I totally agree that the shots are quite different and not a match to start with but they are from shoots done a while back which we can't retake so we're just trying to get them looking as uniform as possible. Thomaso this looks to be exacly what I need so I am going to work my way through your notes and have a go. Thank you once again everyone for taking the time to help me out here. It's truly appreciated
  3. Hi, hoping someone can help. I'm new to Affinity (and photo editing in general). I'm trying to crop and resize an image to match an other image so they are the same dimensions / same ratio etc. Someone mentioned that I could use the goal image behind my new image so I can zoom and crop the new image over the top to match. I've been searching for hours and can't seem to find how to do it, probably because I'm not explaining it very well! Essentially I want to take a photo like this: and crop it to the same dimensions/same amount zoomed in etc as this: Without just doing it by eye. Apologies I imagine this is a very mundane question for all the experts but any help is greatly appreciated :)
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