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  1. Hi @stokerg, thanks for u'r reply, I could reproduce this. After rasterising the layout auto and menschen the issue on the wall and at the car were gone. The clouds still had that issue. After your tips i tried this: copy of all layers -> rasteries all layers -> merg all layers to one single pixel layer this worked but are alot steps to handel an export for a quick presentation of our layout. We got 27 .aphoto files in our final layout. Looking forward to hear from you or the developers. 👋
  2. @Old BruceThanks for u'r reply. I know there are lots of layers with different opacity. Is this some wrong workflow? i like to group things up and then change opacity over the groups and not every layer seperatly. the export is working like a charm if i dont use pdf. Workaround was to export jpg then combine in pdf and optimize. But i think this is far away of working as intended. I am thankful for any further tips.
  3. Affinity Publisher V2 2.1.0 Affinity Photo V2 2.1.0 Win10 Hi, i'm curently working on an architectual competition and we used affinity v2 with photo and publisher this time. Today we tried to export the print pdf files. at the review of the pdf file we found some weird graphic issus. In Publisher it looks like this: In the PDF it looks likethis: The issue is also visibile in the print. If we print a pdf with a pdf-printer the issue is not visible. and if we export to png, jpg oder tiff the issu is gone too. First i was thinking about a transperency problem. the car is transparent and the the walltexture in the back too. also the car is linked in the afphoto file. When i change the car to a pixel layer the issue is not visible anymore. But i could not find anything related to the wall. the same issue is visibil in the clouds. Anyone with an idea? Attached some files if you wanna take a look. kind regards schlueter-de Layout.afpub SN Längs.afphoto AN Ost.afphoto Layout.pdf
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