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  1. Thank you everyone for the suggestions and help. Really appreciate it.
  2. Any useful solution to this problem (using any other tool, changing some settings, etc.) or some kind of a workaround would be much appreciated, because currently I still need to use Photoshop to do this thing and then use Affinity Photo to continue with my edit. Thank you in advance!
  3. Thank you everyone for a reply. Maybe I should mention that I'm also running version 2.0.4 on macOS. @GarryP I think it's not as obvious on your end, because you are dealing with much bigger squares that I did. The example of squares I posted were much smaller in comparison to yours. @HilltopWhat if you try grabbing just the upper or the lower point and then "stretch"?
  4. Hello everyone, I'm trying to switch from Photoshop to Affinity Photo and I cannot get over a weird thing that is happening when transforming a selection. In Photoshop when you transform a selection is "extends" pixels, but in Affinity Photo it looks like it "stretches" them in a weird way, where the layer gets some kind of a shadow. Please see the attached picture. I make a selection and use the move tool with the upper or lower point to transform the selection. Would anyone know how to transform a selection in a similar way that Photoshop does? Thank you in advance!
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