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  1. @walt.farrell Thank you. I have many folders (projects) in the cloud but it’s silly that I can’t import the entire folder instead I have to recreate new folder (project) and then import every file singularly which seems dumb to me. When can’t we have the option to import the entire project. I have some projects with over 60 file/designs within that particular project.
  2. This is such a PITA having to save every single file individually to copy across. Importing only allows one file at a time and not even a folder. Why hasn’t Serif organised this much better. If I’d have known this prior I probably wouldn’t have bothered to upgrade as now it’s just time consuming and i don’t have the time. Is there another way to copy across and migrate your work?
  3. Hello everyone. I”m excited to see the new Affinity V2 for my ipad and Mac desktop but guys, please tell me a way to transfer full folders/projects from Affinity to V2. I have hundreds of saves on the ipad and not all in the cloud. To transfer these manually one by one is insane. When I go to import stuff from the cloud it only allows one by one images and not a whole folder. Can you enlighten me on another way?
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