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  1. Hi all, thanks for the expert guidance on the default leading etc. It’s very useful to see this info and explains a few other nuances regarding font usage in various apps. Also, thanks to @lacerto for the workaround solution to use percentage for line heights, this is the closest to the behaviour I’m looking for. It would be great to see a unitless line-height option added to Designer as that’s what is generally considered best practice for CSS for web builds. That’s what I thought Multiple was for but now I know!
  2. I searched the support forum but could not find an answer to this. In Affinity Designer v2.0.0 I am getting some odd leading results which is really hampering me. I am designing a website UI and would like to use the multiple leading functionality. When I do this the results don’t appear to be respecting the font size. Eg. Font size 12px + leading Multiple 1.5 = Leading 18.6px (Should be 18px) Font size 12px + leading Multiple 1 = Leading 12.4px (Should be 12px) Font size 64px + leading Multiple 1 = Leading 70.4px (Should be 64px - 70.4 is a multiple of 1.1) Font size 92px + leading Multiple 1 = Leading 101.2px (Should be 92px - 101.2 is a multiple of 1.1) I cannot find where this multiple of 1.1 is coming from. I have checked the Base style, tried in a new document, reset text styles etc but I get the same results. The only way I can get the leading accurate is to use exact pixel leading units but this is a pain to manage in styles and overrides. Is there a problem with leading Multiple functionality? Or is there something I am missing?
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