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  1. What subscription? Purchased Affinity on a one-time-one-payment deal. 300 or so for the pack. But even then, I purchased it within the past month so nothing would have expired.
  2. Yes I pressed enter. If you look again closely you can see a loading circle appear for half a second. Just doesn’t go any further
  3. Nope. I do the exact same thing and i get a brief flash of a loading spiral then it disappears and am left with no results.
  4. I am connected to the internet. Have tried everything that I could think of get past the T&C's. Even tried downloading affinity collection on my desktop and still had the same issue which leads me to believe that the problem isnt with my OS or firewall as the laptop and desktop are running different versions of both
  5. I'm working from my laptop which has 64 bit OS windows 10 pro. And there's no firewalls active that should impact this that I can see. Not too sure what I'd be looking for in that regard anyway
  6. I've been trying to access the pixabay and pexels stock images supposedly available from the affinity collection. I've clicked the 'I understand' to the terms and conditions and absolutely nothing happens. Have been searching the forums looking for anyone having the same problem but couldnt seem to find anyone. Help!!
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