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Video Bob

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  1. I believe both users have great minds and share the same problem with Affinity's lack of 'default' control of settings! Let's hope more voices like theirs speak up and become 'squeaky wheels' that get the attention of developers!!
  2. One aspect of the user interface that needs immediate attention is the ability to set default settings for effects like drop shadows, picture borders, text boxes, and more. The current design requires multiple clicks to get any of these tasks done each time the effect is used. If we had the ability to set defaults, it would speed up our work exponentially!! Needless to say, Adobe gets this feature right...nearly all its settings can be defined with defaults. If Affinity wants to get the respect of serious graphic artists, you'll have to consider the overall user experience...including minor details like defaults which are actually really important for our daily tasks!! Are you listening, Affinity?? Will you please work on this for future releases??
  3. I'm having the same issue...exporting an 11 page afpub v2 file that worked well in v1. The v2 version doesn't load a preview...shows 25% complete but just spins forever. If I go ahead and try to export it, I get 'An error occurred while exporting to:' message. No error code, so I have no way of knowing what the problem might be. I ran preflight and the only issues there were non-proportional scaling errors. I checked to make sure my document size was correct...it was. I only have one master page and that matches the document size so that is not a problem. I was able to choose the PDF (for Print) option, but the hyperlinks don't work on that version. Help! Otherwise, I'll have to go back to v1 and ask for a refund of what I spent on the upgrade!!
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