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Everything posted by blurpderp

  1. I'm cutting people out of a green screen, and to automate it, I'm trying to shrink the subject selection by -8 pixels so I don't have to manually erase around their heads. The shrink works, but it pixelates the photo. Is there any way to not have that happen? After the shrink Before the shrink
  2. Hey John, I gave this a shot and it worked like a charm!! Thanks so much for the suggestion and how to!
  3. It'll be one background and one player image. I have another job that will be multiple images and one background for a team shot with 1 player photo. Thanks for recommending ImageMagick. Going to look into that, seems like a powerful tool. Thanks!
  4. Hey John, this is a great idea! Never thought to do it this way. Definitely going to give this a shot, thanks!
  5. Nope, just trying to add different player pictures to a sports background, but manually doing it for 600+ photos will be tedious.
  6. The background would be the same but the "add image" would be a different image each time. What I'm trying to do automate is adding player photos to a sports background and there are around 600 photos I have to do this for.
  7. Newbie here. I'm wondering if it's possible to create a batch job and macro to do this: Open an afphoto document (background), add an image to the afphoto doc, resize the newly added image, and then move that image to a certain spot. I'm struggling to come up with a macro to do this and don't want to do this process manually for 600+ photos 😢 Any help is greatly appreciated!
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