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  1. I had been working on this back in September, but then got busy with a big project that I just finished. So last night, I tried again, with no success! As a senior living on SS, I just can't afford Adobe's prices any more, and I hate their subscriptions, so I thought this would be a better alternative, but I don't know what to do any more. The community hasn't been much help, and I haven't found any help from the company, either. Ugh!
  2. I think I used the same info with both. For one thing, I have had the same email for 26 years, and I use the same password most of the time.
  3. I enter my email and password, then click Sign In, but can't go anywhere from there. It doesn't take me to another screen, and the Download bar is grayed out.
  4. I'll try that. I assumed I was not an Existing Customer since I hadn't actually bought anything yet.
  5. My trial of Affinity Designer was already expired when I tried to get the trial of Affinity Photo. This is the page that doesn't work. When I enter my email, then try to click on the "Get My Download Link", it is grayed out, and won't let me download.
  6. I got the trial version of Affinity Designer, and now I want to get the trial version of Affinity Photo before I decide what I want to buy. But when I go to click the download button, it is grayed out, and doesn't work. How can I get the trial version of Affinity Photo?
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