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  1. Today when working in Affinity Photo I came across the following bug: I selected the ‘Color Picker Tool’, placed the curser on a color in my image, selected the color. Then, the entire image changed to the selected color. For example, when I picked the color yellow from the image, the entire image would turn yellow. The only way I could stop the anomaly was to close Affinity Photo, then reopen to reset the software. The problem has not yet reoccurred. Thanks
  2. Paul Today when working in Affinity Photo I came across a bug in the software using the ‘Color Picker Tool’. I selected the ‘Color Picker Tool’, placed the curser on a color in my image, selected the color, and the entire image color became the selected color. For example, if I color picked yellow, the entire image automatically turns yellow. I had to close Affinity Photo and then reopen to reset the software. ------ Another bug - Affinity Photo sometimes simply closes down without notification - no error message or warning of any kind. I think it has something to do with the Layer feature – using two or more Layers when working in a main image layer. When I reopen Affinity Photo, the image and my edits are preserved. ----- Request - is there a simple way to resize just the blue bounding box to make it fit the image?
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