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Everything posted by Tulimord

  1. Ah, this relativism! 😁 And all I want is just a bit of literalness. A footnote is a footnote. Absolute positioning as an option isn't anything special. I don't know how it's technically solved in InDesign, but I've been working on it for years and haven't had these kinds of dilemmas. I always created and grouped text frames for captions with images because it's essentially one element of the page structure - it's also easier to move it around when creating layout compositions. Embedding captions in content and locally changing the style is a risky operation. Unless you have a fixed layout. The existence of many positioning options (including those currently available in AP) would only demonstrate Publisher's flexibility and quality.
  2. Thank you, @MikeTo, for all the advice. You're always there for me. I'll try to put it together as best as I can, but I think an option for absolute positioning of footnotes (as per their name) in Publisher would be simpler, more natural, and more useful. I hope it will be introduced over time. Best regards
  3. Alright, the issue with footnote numbering continuity has been resolved, but the footnote is still attached to the image caption instead of being at the bottom of the page. Also, when switching to Document-wide > Numbering > Document, the text that was in the right column disappeared and ended up on the next page. What's going on? Cheers
  4. Hi, I'm preparing a text for printing. I have traditional footnotes at the bottom of the page, but I also have footnotes within captions below the images, which are text frames within the main content. In the latter case, Publisher doesn't continue the numbering of footnotes; instead, it starts anew and places the footnote below the image rather than at the end of the page. Is there a way to set up footnotes so that the continuity of numbering and the location of footnotes on the page are maintained, regardless of whether they are placed within the main content or in text frames? Best regards
  5. A small problem, but it can be frustrating when working routinely and suddenly something doesn't work. So, it was worth asking. Thanks to the kindness of the forum members, the issue has been explained as above. I think we can close the thread now. Regards.
  6. You were right @lepr. So, there is indeed a secret button... And it's actually quite small It wasn't so obvious. To retain grouping, Auto-select and Default options must be enabled. Thank you for the quick and accurate response, and thanks to everyone for the willingness to help. Regards.
  7. Hi, For some time now, object grouping hasn't been working correctly for me in Publisher 2.2, 2.3 Previously, I could group objects using Ctrl+G, and they would stay grouped until I ungrouped them. Currently, grouping only lasts until I click or change the tool. This is quite inconvenient when dealing with a large number of objects (text and images) that need to be operated on in groups. Is there a hidden button that changes this behavior, which I might not be noticing? Certainly, this behavior wasn't there before (V.1). Regards.
  8. I have to admit one thing - I intensely use Affinity Publisher and I highly appreciate it, but such silly mistakes rather happen due to overworking and routine. Thanks for the quick response anyway.
  9. Guides are not working in Publisher 2.2.1. I can't drag them from the ruler. They're simply not there. Of course, View>Show Guides is enabled. I can create and delete them in the View>Guides panel, but they don't respond to mouse actions. Is this my issue, or has anyone encountered something similar?
  10. OK, I found the bug and solved the problem that I created myself! The solution is simple and lies in plain sight, just above my first desperate post. I was simply not paying attention. The benefit of my thread is that this bug, in addition to being silly, is also persistent, as evidenced by the reported problems of other Publisher users. So perhaps this whole episode will be useful for solidifying this knowledge. In short, the bug is that the path given in Edit>Settings>Tools>Additional dictionary folder was C:\ProgramData\Affinity\Common\2.0\Dictionaries\pl_PL, but it should be C:\ProgramData\Affinity\Common\2.0\Dictionaries. That's it. Do not include the language folder name at the end of the path! I thank everyone for their positive reaction and willingness to help. Regards Read Walt with attention! Don't be like Tulimord
  11. @MikeTO Paragraph > Hyphenation > Use auto-hyphenation was/is selected. Character > Language > Polski - the problem is that Polish is not listed as a language option. The only option available is "Unknown (pl-PL)". The "Hyphenation > Use auto-hyphenation" setting is selected, but it has no effect.
  12. @MikeTO I have prepared in .png format a Polish text for you to test. To increase the number of words that are hyphenated, I chose the A5 format and two columns with Times New Roman Regular, 13/15. The hyphenation is correct, and the editing was done in InDesign. Below is the raw text - the first paragraphs of the novel "Quo Vadis" by Henryk Sienkiewicz I appreciate your help in advance. Petroniusz obudził się zaledwie koło południa i, jak zwykle, zmęczony bardzo. Poprzedniego dnia był na uczcie u Nerona, która przeciągnęła się do późna w noc. Od pewnego czasu zdrowie jego zaczęło się psuć. Sam mówił, że rankami budzi się jakby zdrętwiały i bez możności zebrania myśli. Ale poranna kąpiel i staranne wygniatanie ciała przez wprawionych do tego niewolników, przyśpieszało stopniowo obieg jego leniwej krwi, rozbudzało go, cuciło, wracało mu siły, tak że z oleotekium, to jest z ostatniego kąpielowego przedziału, wychodził jeszcze jakby wskrzeszony, z oczyma błyszczącemi dowcipem i wesołością, odmłodzon, pełen życia, wykwintny, tak niedościgniony, że sam Otho nie mógł się z nim porównać — i prawdziwy, jak go nazywano: „arbiter elegantiarum“. W łaźniach publicznych bywał rzadko: chyba że zdarzył się jakiś budzący podziw retor, o którym mówiono w mieście, lub gdy w ephebiach odbywały się wyjątkowo zajmujące zapasy. Zresztą miał w swej „insuli“ własne kąpiele, które słynny wspólnik Severusa, Celler, rozszerzył mu, przebudował i urządził z tak nadzwyczajnym smakiem, iż sam Nero przyznawał im wyższość nad cezaryańskiemi, chociaż cezaryańskie były obszerniejsze i urządzone z nierównie większym przepychem. Po owej więc uczcie, na której znudziwszy się błaznowaniem Vatiniusa brał wraz z Neronem, Lukanem, i Seneciem udział w diatrybie, czy kobieta ma duszę — wstawszy późno, zażywał, jak zwykle, kąpieli. Dwaj ogromni balneatorzy złożyli go właśnie na cyprysowej „mensie“ pokrytej śnieżnym egipskim byssem — i dłońmi maczanemi w wonnej oliwie poczęli nacierać jego kształtne ciało — on zaś z zamkniętemi oczyma czekał aż ciepło laconicum i ciepło ich rąk przejdzie w niego i usunie zeń znużenie. Lecz po pewnym czasie przemówił — i, otworzywszy oczy, jął rozpytywać o pogodę, a następnie o gemmy, które jubiler Idomen obiecał mu przysłać na dzień dzisiejszy do obejrzenia... Pokazało się, że pogoda jest piękna, połączona z lekkim powiewem od gór Albańskich, i że gemmy nie przyszły. Petronius znów przymknął oczy i wydał rozkaz, by przeniesiono go do tepidarium, gdy wtem, z poza kotary, wychylił się „nomenclator“, oznajmiając, że młody Marcus Viniciusz, przybyły świeżo z Azyi Mniejszej, przyszedł go odwiedzić.
  13. Thank you Anto for attempting to help, but unfortunately, it still doesn't work: C:\ProgramData\Affinity\Common\2.0\Dictionaries\pl_PL with pl_PL.dic, pl_PL.aff, hyph_pl_PL.dic I have both Photo and Designer version 1.10.6 installed alongside Designer v.2.2. I don't know if this could be the cause of the conflict. Previously, in the full version 1.10, the dictionaries worked flawlessly.
  14. The problem does not seem to be with the dictionary files. They are correct, as is the localization. I replaced them with your set, but there was no change. Spelling: Unknown (pl-PL); Hyphenation language: no Polish language. There seems to be a serious obstacle in the version of Publisher 2. Serif has not yet responded.
  15. Hi everyone! Despite the topic being discussed quite thoroughly, I have to ask for help. I can't launch the dictionary and hyphenation in Polish. The issue concerns Affinity Publisher v.2. I have read everything below, followed all the steps from Affinity Help's "Managing hyphenation dictionaries," but with no result. In the Character panel > Language > Spelling, only the message Unknown (pl-PL) appears, even though the pl-PL folder doesn't exist - there's only pl_PL with the correct dictionary file taken from LibreOffice. There is a complete lack of the Polish language in the language selection list for word splitting. Attached are the screenshots. Please assist me in finding a solution.
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