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  1. Hi @NathanC, thank you for your reply. The color profile in Document Setup > Color is the same as in the export settings, ISO Coated V2 300%. However I just replaced 'convert' to 'assign' and exported the file again and now the color seems to be correct. Thank you so much!
  2. So I have a booklet that I made in Affinity Publisher which includes several black elements. I made them CMYK 25/25/25/100 black in Publisher, then exported it as a PDF file. I used Affinity Designer to check if everything is exported correctly (just to double-check). I used the same color profile for both files. However when I use the color picker on the PDF in Affinity Designer, I get a different value for the black, namely 56/57/56/77. Is this just a PDF importing issue or is the black really not correct somehow?
  3. I just made a copy of the file, removed all hyperlinks, and with the PDF (Press ready) preset the export works. The preset PDF (digital - small size) does not work. Then I tried exporting the original file (linked above) but without hyperlinks and bookmarks. This works. So there appears to be some kind of bug when exporting bookmarks (?).
  4. Hi everybody, I am trying to export a PDF file, which worked throughout making the file and once after finishing it, but every since then every time I try to export the file, I get an error message. Sometimes the export starts, sometimes it seems like Publisher doesn't even start the export before giving me the error. I am using Publisher 1.10.4. on macOS 12.0.1. This happens both with hardware acceleration and without. 2021-12-12_gldh-programma.afpub
  5. I’m doing the layout for a document and I am noticing that sometimes there are runts. Is there a way to avoid these from happening? See also this screenshot (I can't seem to upload it here right now, sorry).
  6. Thank you so much @Old Bruce! This solved my issue. I suppose this means my problem was not a bug with Affinity Publisher, so if a mod wants to delete this thread that would be fine.
  7. Hi everybody, I am trying to layout a document that has quite a bit of text (in numbered lists). I've set up some character and paragraph styles, made a front page, so far so good. However something strange seems to happen when I resize or move the text frame. The text seems to jump all over the place, resulting in partially empty text frames. I'm running Affinity Publisher 1.10.4 on macOS 12.0.1. Hardware acceleration is on. I don't really know how to describe it, so I'm not sure if there have been posts about this before. I've attached a screen recording and the file. Any help would be much appreciated! Screen Recording 2021-12-27 at 17.24.38.mp4 2021-12-12_gldh-programma.afpub
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