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  1. Months & a program update later & I still have the same problem with Affinity as stated above. Krita 5 works with out any problem so I've been using it but I'd prefer to use Affinity Photo because of some of the functionality. Is there anything that can be done?
  2. I am administrator for my computer. Normally I do get crash reports however, for this instance I do not.
  3. Hi DWright, as shown in the video with the male character being drawn, there never was a crash report, despite the computer restarting.
  4. The spinning rainbow ball to show the computer is thinking is constantly & disruptively interrupting me when using the pressure sensitive pen on the Kamvas 22 plus with Affinity Photo on my iMac with a 3.8 ghz 8 core i7 & 72 gigs of ram. The computer will crash unexpectedly when using the pressure sensitive pen with Affinity Photo. This only happens with Affinity Photo. I have used Photoshop, Krita & Sketchbook in combination with my Huion Kamvas with out problems. Included are 2 attachments. One shows the crash screen. The second larger file shows the spinning rainbow ball constantly interrupting my drawing (the 2 minute video showing interruption is a short excerpt from a longer drawing session-9 min that was interrupted throughout in the same way. Please help me resolve this. I have a following for my art & note what products I use. I also stream my art on Twitch & will talk about problems or how good a product is while using it. I like your product but this issue has made me use other software. Kamvas22-freeze-2min.mp4 Huion Crash screen-v4.mp4
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