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Everything posted by brettski

  1. Okay that help. These are text elements which hold the year, they are in a side bar and footer. So to correct this I've reapplied the master pages clearing the content. I am assuming migrating the content doesn't work as these text elements have been updated on the original page so the master page isn't going to overwrite that now. Thank you all for the assist
  2. @Old BruceThank you for the reply. Yeah, I am pretty new to this space, so terminology will be inaccurate. Yes, the "elements" I speak of are text elements which are defined in the master page. So if there is no way to set those elements back individually the only way to do it would be to reapply the master page clearing (not migrating) the content?
  3. We have a document which uses a few master pages. There are a couple of elements I am assuming I updated directly on the page as they no longer follow updates done in the master page. Is there a way we can set these elements to follow the master page updates again? We prefer to not reapply the master page clearing all current settings, as some have image sections, these page images are then lost and need to be reset. And honestly I don't recall were the originals are at any longer. Are there any options for me to get these elements to follow the master page changes again? Thank you!
  4. Not doubly sure, but to be sure. As I stated in the first post here, the file is delivered from a third party not controlled by Serif. Is the chance there is an issue small (really small), sure, but as I sit here with my tinfoil hat on, I like to verify files.
  5. I purchased Affinity Designer and Photo for Mac Desktop through Serif, not the Apple app store. So to get the application it needs to be downloaded from Serif. @R C-R you are correct, if I had purchased through the Apple store this would be a non-issue as the application would be delivered through Apple.
  6. That would certainly work for me. I wonder if it is complicated for the Sarif team to update that with releases?
  7. I can't argue with that logic. Though at that point, any site page wouldn't be good...
  8. It would seem the most logical place is to live on the download page where you request you files. Well it's where I looked for it first anyway. Thank you for the values, it is very much appreciated! Though `Cloudfront.net` is a reputable company it is still a third party you can't control and may not have any idea if a file was changed within their network. Sure this is a bit "tinfoil hat", but stranger things have happened.
  9. I guess that is the question, are their regularly posted hashes for Affinity files? I have seen this question a few times with an Affinity rep listing the current version hashes. I am not sure of the difficulty of including the hashes on the download page. It would be useful add, especially since the files are not coming from a Serif-owned or controlled domain. Thank you for the feedback everyone. It's good to know there is help out there.
  10. I recently downloaded Affinity Designer to install and noticed it was downloaded from, d1gl0nrskhax8d.cloudfront.net, strange name, I understand it's a cdn. Though is there a way for me to validate the file to ensure it didn't come from somewhere else and it's the intended file? A hash would work. Thank you, Brett
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