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  1. On Windows, it's : C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming\Affinity\Photo\1.0\backup You may need to display hidden folders.
  2. Sorry, after clearing all the preferences, and after a reboot system, it now takes 6 sec to start ! 😁 I hope it will help other people. (I wonder if it's because I had a very large file in the backups preferences folder...)
  3. I have just 82 fonts, most of them are default system, I only installed about 10. I work on SSD and have a Nvidia GTX 980 Ti. I enabled/disabled OpenCL usage in the preferences but it don't changes anything. I also tried to Ctrl + launch the software, check all the boxes and clear all of them, it still take 2 min to launch.
  4. Hello, Since Affinity Photo v2, I noticed an increase time to launch the application, I find this very frustrating, I don't know it's me or the software or my internet connexion. I am on a AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core 4.05 GHz with 32 Gb of RAM, Windows 11 Pro, and it take 2 min and 10 sec to launch, and this is after a second launch (so windows already cached the application files) !! I remembered the v1 took onyl some seconds. While theses 2 minutes, the task manager register no activity of the processor, the RAM stay at 190 Mb, I don't know what is it doing in all this time. Is a way to check what step is during to long in the initialization process ? Is there a server check that don't work well of something similar ? Thanks,
  5. Thanks very much. I think the french translation "Tramer pour masquer" (Rasterize to Mask) is wrong, because "masquer" is the same word for "hide" and "mask", so it can be understandable to "Rasterize to hide", and "masquer" is not capitalized. "Tramer en un masque" or "Tramer en un calque de masque" should be better.
  6. Hello, How do I use a grey level image as a mask layer ? I try to alt + click on my new mask layer and Ctrl + V the image, but it add it as a new image layer and not into the mask layer.
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