Since Affinity Photo v2, I noticed an increase time to launch the application, I find this very frustrating, I don't know it's me or the software or my internet connexion.
I am on a AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core 4.05 GHz with 32 Gb of RAM, Windows 11 Pro, and it take 2 min and 10 sec to launch, and this is after a second launch (so windows already cached the application files) !! I remembered the v1 took onyl some seconds.
While theses 2 minutes, the task manager register no activity of the processor, the RAM stay at 190 Mb, I don't know what is it doing in all this time.
Is a way to check what step is during to long in the initialization process ? Is there a server check that don't work well of something similar ?