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Simons Astro

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  1. Hi Kirk Thanks for info, ive not done this before, but i'll try to attach the stacked unedited file that Affinity stacked for me! This has not had any levels or curves adjustments, its stacked with darks, flats and bias frames and is only 1 hr integration, thanks! Regards Simon 587155442_StackedHeartNebulaUneditedA.afphoto
  2. Hi, thanks for windows snip tip, when I use the Affinity stack feature, after it’s stacked, it takes me to the Astro Photography editing area and its produces a pixel layer, levels layer and a curves layer for you. When I click on the curves layer to make an adjustment, it just shows the small peak on the graph as shown in the photo.
  3. I’m hoping someone can help me with my question. I’m using the latest version 1.9 affinity photo on windows 10, to edit my astrophotography images. The curves histogram is virtually non existent (see photo) It doesn’t matter whether I use the built in stacking feature or use Deep Sky Stacker and bring the image in already stacked, makes no difference, the curves histogram just shows as a tiny little peak at the bottom, although there should be a lot of data there as I’m using a 26mp camera. The levels histogram however is there! Am I doing something wrong, can anyone tell me why it’s not there in curves please! Thanks.
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