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Everything posted by f-bot

  1. It sounds like a 'nothing' answer, because its a standard feature of other vector applications. Strange that they can't borrow this feature from DrawPlus. Its not advertised in the suite so surely Serif don't expect me to go buy that too. If I have Adobe Illustrator, why do I need Affinity Designer? Lets face it, most of us bought Affinity Designer because we didn't want to be gouged monthly by Adobe. Really happy to support Affinity in their aim to be an affordable alternative. And while Vector Magic is excellent, its not free - the desktop edition costs more than both my Affinity products combined lol. The only 'in application' option I have for tracing which doesn't cost additional $ is Inkscape. However, today when I searched to see what new options there were, I found a few. This one has a GPL-3.0 license, is simple to use, and free: https://wieslawsoltes.github.io/Trace/ If the trace doesn't work perfectly, try increasing the first number in 'color filter'. Information about who made it and how it works is here: https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/Trace Found another one that does colour: https://www.textcompare.org/vectorize/
  2. Upvoted > I'm used to this feature in Adobe products, agree its very useful to be able to change the transparency grid to a darker color. Placing a colour behind is a workaround, not a feature.
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