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  1. Hello, I have an Affinity Publisher file - 220 pages, linked text - that I can't open after Publisher crashed (it does this often). I am in the habit of saving obsessively as I work but after the last crash, I couldn't open the file. No error, no corrupted file message, just stuck on loading. I can place the file, but can't open to edit. This is a working project, so I will need to edit it. Is there any way to fix the file or have it fix? Or recover it in some way? I'm running a PC, have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest Publisher build I've tried opening it in Designer (works when placed, but can't open the file to edit it). I've cleared the preferences when opening Publisher, too. I've tried copying it and changing the file name. NOTHING works. I've TRIED EVERYTHING. For now, I was able to place the file 110 times for my 220 page document, specifying the page numbers for each, which works to send for an initial review, but I'm unable to edit it and really need to. Any help would be appreciated. File is attached here. Print Interior.afpub
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