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Everything posted by Gru

  1. Hey there guys, one more question from the german astrophtographer 😃 I have existing data for a nebula in H-Alpha. So only the red channel was gotten massive data. And on the other hand I have an RGB picture. How can I combine them? In Adobe Photoshop I can auto allign both pictures. In AP I do not found anything like "auto alling". How can I combine the RGB and HAlpha data in the end? Thank you very much! Greetings Christian
  2. Hey James, thank you very much for your answere. Your tips: The Inpaint does not help so good and gave many artifacts. The clarity filter works perfect! From a glossy star field to a great picture in wide field photos. Sample colour as you said. For dimming stars with a specific colour from cromatic abberation e.g. The minimum blur also is not working for me. In a range between 0.1 and 1.2 pixel the filter doesn´t even work. After 1.3/1.5 pixels the effect is way too crazy Christian
  3. Hey guys, by using photoshop it was easy to reduce stars. You just select the highlights, expand the radius, convert into a smart object and make the shadows. How can I do this in Affinity Photo? My first steps are: Select Highlights and expand the range circular. and then? Thank you for advice!
  4. Hey guys, I´m using Affinity Photo for astrophotography and looking for an idea how I can select only the red channel from a narrowband picture and copy it into a RGB picture afterwars. I thought only select die "Composite Red" in the channels register, select all, copy and past it into my other picture...but that doesn´t work. Thanks for your help! Greetings Christian
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