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Leon Munz

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Everything posted by Leon Munz

  1. Hi, I found out why it crashed, and I solved the issue. It crashed because my shortcut to convert something in a curve is "Enter", and that's why it crashed. I deleted this shortcut, and now it works fine! Thanks for your fast reply!
  2. I just put something in the table, and when I clicked on "Enter" then AP crashes... 4K.mov
  3. A feature that allows you to create fillable PDF files, because at the moment you have to use Adobe Reader or another program that you have to subscribe to.
  4. Hi, I have a problem, or at least I don't understand a few things... First of all, when I place a high-resolution image in Publisher, then it is sharp. But when I switch to Affinity Photo inside of Publisher it becomes unsharp (pixelated) when I then go back to Publisher it is sharp again, but it is annoying to make small changes in publisher with a low-resolution image... Another problem that I have is when I open a high-resolution image in Affinity Photo then it is sharp, but when I place it into a smaller document size (For instance: Image = 1920X1080, and the document is 800X800)then it is unsharp. I understand, fewer pixels = less quality that would be okay. But when I place this image into a Publisher document with a smaller size then it is totally sharp... I hope you can understand me, and I hope that you can help me. Publisher version: 1.9.3 Photo version: 1.9.3 1967303674_AffinityProbleme.mov
  5. No worries 😁 I know that it's a complex vector with many curves, but added to this that redraw issue also happens, if I only use the "Boba Fett" and the group with one shape + text... By the way, thank you for your effort and help! Here are my settings for Affinity Publisher:
  6. Hi I sent it to you a few days ago... Do you have an answer for me????
  7. Hey I would like to create something inside Affinity Publisher, but I can’t do it. In the video you can see, that it doesn't work... The Twitter support told me, that it's a "redraw" issue and that I should create this post. Bildschirmvideo_aufnehmen_2020-07-26_um_19_10_55.mp4
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