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  1. Perfectly clear, even to me! I wish I knew Affinity as well as you self-evidently do. And to think that at the moment these marvellous programs are practically free. Affinity deserves huge success. Thanks again to all.
  2. Another learn-by-example video. Terrific. OK, dumb question.... I see the back end of the process, but the front end? How to 'load up' the 100 images? In this example, there is just the one image/layer called '1'. Do I enter the 100 files in the Sources element of the Batch Job pane (i.e. on the left side?) Thanks
  3. It's a dream. Thank you all - I'll try that tonight. 😁
  4. Fabulous. Thanks. I'll try that. Presumably I just import the 100 pages one by one keeping Macro pane open and process page by page. (One thing to check: when I export the corrected page, does that disable Macro pane - tedious). Of course, what would be brilliant would be to import the 100 layers containing the scanned images and 'Auto apply common Macro to all layers individually'.
  5. I see a Batch Job pane, but I have no idea how to use it. My hand-crafted Mesh Warp has many complex nodes and handles and I can't see the relevance of Width and Height as shown above. Is this function documented such that I can read step by step how I might be able to apply Batch Job to my visually created and tuned Mesh which does not conform to a simple X by Y adjustement? For example, the bottom right corner of the double-page scan needs much warp correction., the bottom left almost none. Thanks.
  6. I am a very light user. I have found that I can use Mesh Warp to resolve a squinted page created with an overhead open-book scanner. However, there are 100 pages in the document, all requiring repair. I am amazed that I cannot seem to save the Mesh Warp and apply it (albeit individually) to all 100 pages, one by one. Surely there must be an ability to save the Mesh and recall it? Surely I don't have to load 100 pages one by one, manually create a new Mesh, apply to the page, save, import another page, create a fresh Mesh and so on? It will take days. Oddly, and unexpecteddly, I assumed that once created on the first (background) layer I could import other pages and then apply the mesh to my stack of 100 layers, one by one. Not possible it seems. 😂
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