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  1. Hi guys I've been using a workflow of sketching and doing some inking (some I do in affinity) in procreate then export out to colour, design and letter webcomics in designer. When publisher becomes available on iPad I am thinking I can do the whole workflow in that app, managing comic panels and pages as well. What I am struggling with is replicating the brush behaviour from procreate to designer, especially the ability to turn your line or curves or ellipses to shapes within procreate by holding the stroke for a few seconds, is this behaviour available in pixel mode in designer? Many thanks Steve
  2. Hi there I have a student using Publisher to create a magazine, its about 100 pages, a file size of 1.8GB and linked images preferred. I've had a look at the performance tab and have capped the RAM and also told it to use different graphics renders to see what happens. With Activity Monitor open (iMac - 8gb ram, Mac 10.15.4) Publisher pushes the memory usage to 12.5GB the crashes out. I can't for the life of me figure this one out, everything looks fine there a shed load of hard drive space (700GB) the computers fairly fresh, up to date etc. Due to broadband connection sending the file may be problematic. Does anyone have any suggestions we could try please?
  3. I went back to the student for more info, they were abut 50 pages in and updated from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3 and the text tool misbehaved after that point. I have sussed a workaround for him, which is to create a new document, add pages from file, add in his current document and the text tool works again. Bizarre issue but hopefully fixed, perhaps a glitch updating a file whilst working on it? (Prob not, prob just a wee gremlin.) Thanks for the help
  4. Sorry Walt - typing on and on - just keeps typing across screen.
  5. Hi folks A student has sent me a document with a peculiar problem, basically the text frame tool is not hiding overflow or automatically formatting text to fit the text frame, just keeps typing on and on and on. I checked and unchecked hide overflow etc but it s like after 50 pages of putting a magazine together the text frame tool has suddenly decided not to work as it should. Keen to avoid starting a new document and copying over the already completed work. Any ideas or thoughts at all? If I jump to my own document the text frame tool works fine and text behaves as it should, it is only within this one document and I cannot find the reason behind it. Many thanks for any help.
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