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Everything posted by Lodewijk

  1. Thanks for your answer. I am happy with the developper in Affinity Photo, but batch processing and renaming would be very practical. I have to do it all by hand now. I'll look around in the Forum for 'DAM'.
  2. Hi all! I love Affinity Photo very, very much, more than any other photo editing software. The only thing that is really missing is a possibility to organise youyr photos (and automatically rename them after editing), like Lightroom for instance, or Canon DPP. Can we expect Serif to ad this feature in the future? And if not, what would be a good photo organising software to combine with Affinity Photo?
  3. Hi Walt, Thanks for the tip! Yes. that was the sulution. By the way, does rhere exist a manual for Affinity Photo? I like the official video tutorials very much, but sometimes a manual would be helpful too.
  4. Hi, When I open a photo in the Develop Persona it has not the same size as the original photo: it is already cropped on all sides. How that, and how to restore that? See attached screenshots.
  5. Hi, When I open a photo in the Develop Persona it has not the same size as the original photo: it is already cropped on the left side and the right side. How that, and how to restore that?
  6. I see what you mean. Maybe thats what happened, but I can't remember. IU'm not a beginner, but these are quite advanced settings tome. Thanks ! 🙂
  7. I don't understand, see attached printscreen. Where can I choose between "Unmanaged" or "Icc Display Transform" ?
  8. The problem started after the last update. Since reinstalling an older version of the program did not make any difference, my conclusion was that the bug must sit somewhere in my computer, maybe in the registry, So I used REVO Uninstaller to uninstall the program and really clean up the computer from all 'silly rests'. This worked: after reinstalling 1.8.3 evrything is normal again. PROBLEM SOLVED! Thanks for your tips 🙂, I had to try them out before I concluded that there was an other problem. Attached: 1.Opening the RAW file in Develop Persona 2. After pushing 'Develop' (without making any ajustments) how it opens in Photo Persona No diferences, this is how it should be 🙂
  9. I also reinstalled an older version (1.8.0), bur this did not solve the problem, so I reinstalled 1.8.3 again.
  10. So, when I open a photo in the Develop Persona it is much too dark, even whenI have selected 'Apply Tone Curve' in the Develop Assistantt. So I make some ajustments untill iy looks allright. Then I push 'Develop' and in the Photo Persona it opens much too light. The same happens not only for Canon CR2 files but also for Sony ARW files. This is actually new since yesterday, I never had that problem before. Today I installed Affinity Photo once again from zero, but this did not resolve the problem.
  11. Hi. in the output profile I don't have ProPhotoRGB, as you can see in this printscreen.
  12. Hi Aidon, I tried this. See 4 screenshots: 1. Dev.A. Take no Actcion 2. Dev.A. Apply tonecurve 3. Develop persona, just before developing 4. After pushing the button Develop. Thes diferences don't look normal to me, I had this never before.
  13. When I open a cr2 file to develop in Affunuty Photo it shows extremely dark. When I open it in Canon DPP it shows normal. See attached screenshots.
  14. Hi Lee, the problem is solved: somehow opacity 0f the clone brush tool had changed t 20 percent, I hadn't noticed thad. But thanks for your tip how to reset the app. That is new for me, good to know for the future 🙂
  15. Hi Ray, Yes, that was it.. I must have touched that button without being aware. Thanks so much, and: Stay healthy 🙏
  16. Well, I tried this before. And to be sure I tried it in a new document, but it did not work either..
  17. I'm running Affinity Photo 1.8 and today the Clone Brush Tool stopped working. Just nothing happens when I try to use it. Strange because it used to work well. I tried to 'repair'the programm but without result.
  18. I'm running Affinity Photo 1.8 and today the Clone Brush Tool stopped working. Just nothing happens when I try to use it. Strange because it used to work well. I tried to 'repair'the programm but without result.
  19. Okay, so I will delete the whole programm completely (not just the update) and than reinstall it from zero. I guess that should work, since you don't have that problem. Thanks bvoth of you for your response!
  20. Since the last updat 1.8 Ajustmentlayers and Live Filterlayers don't have their own masks anymore! :-((
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