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Everything posted by 11aadams

  1. @Aammppaa Thank you for the reply. And link to the link to vectorizer. Absolutely understand about the drop shadow. I forgot to remove that for my post.
  2. What I am trying to do/accomplish I am trying to find a way to get a vector graphic/ curve layer from an image I made in affinity photo. If I could either use an outline as the curve/path such as tracing the outline with the vector brush or filling my selection as a vector shape that is what I am trying to figure out. What I have tried Convert to curves - This has been greyed out on the pixel layers I have been trying to convert Designer flood fill - can flood my layer or selection but doesn't allow the shape to be converted to curves Creating an outline to convert to curves Masking a vector shape. Selecting the pixels of the pixel layer and using that as a mask over a basic shape. Selecting pixels from layer and using the vector brush to fill in selection A bit more info on the shape/ pixel layer I am trying to convert. I have taken a layer of perlin noise and have a posterize adjustment layer over the top of it. I am trying to make the shapes from each layer of the posterize. I can get to selecting the different layers, filling them and adding an outline but can't find a way to make them vector shapes without a third party program to vectorize each layer. ---> This is the image that I have been working on This is just one of the layers. This is what I have been trying to convert to a curve. If there as another way to generate these same kind of patterns (I need something organic) please let me know. I was also looking at Procedural Texture from this tutorial Affinity Photo : Perlin Color effect tutorial how to - YouTube
  3. @David in Яuislip Thank you for the response. Yes I do think that could work for the ripple effect. I guess I was a bit unclear. The ripple was just an example, there are a few other effects that have a rotational aspect to the filter such as motion blur. That is more of what I am trying to change every layer/frame. Somthing along the lines of this image also sorry I don't know how to change the size of the image. Also @v_kyr I'm not sure if I know what you mean by "on demand exporting" for each layer. That's a very interesting suggestion designer.
  4. Hello, I am working on a personal art project and am trying to make some animated images. I know Affinity Photo doesn't have this function (I would be using a different program to animate the frames together.) but I was wondering if there is a way to create the frames using a batch job or with the macros. For example If I want to make an animation of the ripple filter intensity and have the macro that creates a new layer then applies the ripple filter and adds more ripple every time. I could go through and do this manually once and save the macro but is there a way to just have it add the effect n+1 kind of thing. The other way I was wondering if it would work is through a batch job. Maybe I could duplicate my base image X amount of times and then the batch would just add the filter increasingly and save each new frame/Image. Sorry if this has already been asked. Thank you for the help
  5. Dang that's a bummer there is no way to change it. Thank you for the video. Very easy to follow along and does what I need.
  6. Hello, I am still pretty new to affinity but have used photoshop for many years. I am having a hard time switching. Most recently I have been trying to apply gradient masks to some layers. In photoshop the gradient tool is defaulted to black and white. Affinity seems to be defaulted to white and grey (#A6A6A6). Is there anyway to change the default colors? Thank you
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