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Andrew Crawford

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  1. mac book pro ventura, ill try and see if admin is the problem yep i have admin, thanks for trying to help really appreciate it , i might give apple a call, see if they have any idea
  2. Its the first of the two screenshots above. First one is clicking on hard drive icon on desktop, the second is from typing "~/Library" through the go menu
  3. yep, its a mystery, only using the 30 day trial on AP 2 will see what happens when i buy
  4. The 2nd screen shot (with blue highlight )is from the hidden library from doing what you said, still no affinity folder. As i said its AP still working though.
  5. I dont even seem to have a library folder. I mean affinity still works, im just curious now about where everything is
  6. Well ill be dammed then, cause both apps have been launched but i cant find the folders in the application support. V1 was bought from app store and V2 is only in trial mode.
  7. Hi, i finally worked out how to get into application support folder, but there is no folder for for Affinity photo. would that be because i have no content so it didnt create one, or should there be a Aff photo 1 and 2 folder regardless. thanks for the help
  8. My solution for macros was i exported them into a saved file. Opened AF2 then imported them by dragging files into the macro studio on the left hand size. I guess ill just have to load My LUT all over again
  9. My OS is a macbook Pro. AP V1 is stored in my applications folder and still has the AP name. Is there a way i can try manually to migrate those files besides loading them 1 file at a time?
  10. Thanks, i did that and got a great hdr photo, but the problem of ghosting still exists. I tried to de ghost the HDR photo re the tutorial but i guess because the are not 3 different photos of the one subject it wont work that way. Will keep looking and trying other stuff.
  11. Hi, i have a small panoramic shot that has some movement which has caused a fair bit of ghosting. The only way ive found to rid this is by HDR merge. Is there a way to do this on a normal pic. If not is there a way of creating images to create a HDR merge, for example in Paint Shop Pro you had the ability to over expose and under expose your original photo then merge all 3 into a HDR photo. thanks in advance Andrew
  12. Hi all, i pretty much use Affinity to touch up my Holiday photos. And to fix some olds ones. I use the Mac version. My questions mainly relate to metadata. Can i add metadata to multiple photos at once..things like Country/City photo taken in and does Affinity have the ability to GeoTag my photos? (if it cant, best program to do this that is compatible with Affinity). Also in my efforts to find answers to my questions i came across a lot of talk about DAM. What is this and can it be explained to me in dummies terms please. Most of my googling of this subject turned up big concrete walls with water. Thanks in Advance Andrew
  13. Thank You. So what the colour is telling me is I'm overexposing, over brightening etc? Would that be the way to look at it?
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