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Last Chance

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Everything posted by Last Chance

  1. @Pedrober I did mean to just export the text - keep the IDML file to import the design into APub, but extract the text (if it's possible) to Word, and then import the text back into your APub design. It all really hinges on whether the text can be extracted with footnotes successfully.
  2. Could you export the IDML text into Word? APub does accept the import of Word footnotes.
  3. Does what it says in the title. Only further comment is that it was with a two column text frame and the object was being dragged. I'm not sure whether this topic has already been noted, so it can be deleted or merged to suit.
  4. @PaoloTI trust you divulged your findings to Serif?
  5. @Trevor AWell said to you. Absolutely on the nail.
  6. Agreed - I saw the nonsense video and assume the big announcment is for APub to become a grown-up program at last. Here's a link to the video: https://affinity.serif.com/
  7. @JohnJohn12For my "Magnificent Octopus" I have several thousand footnotes (535,000 words and counting). If you treat them as endnotes, then they can be ported over in one go. The only problem, as said previously, is that APub does not port over the footnote numbers embedded in the text.
  8. @walt.farrellis correct that the notes cannot be ported over with the Word document - neither are the footnote identifier numbers. However, clicking on any footnote and pressing Ctrl-A (All) will copy all the footnotes in one go.
  9. Likewise. I wonder if Serif understand fully the harm that this debacle is causing their reputation? David
  10. As I have mentioned before, adding endnotes is the least problematic of them all as they are collated towards the end of the chapter, section or book. The only need is to adjust the page count and numbering to accommodate the additional page(s) that the endnotes would take. But, like Trevor A's comment, adding the feature without auto-numbering makes the exercise a little pointless.
  11. I know, I used to own a software development company ... just me being a touch cynical.
  12. I was hoping that version 1.10 (surely this is v.2.0? 🤪), just released today, might just include footnotes and endnotes, but sadly not. So do we have to wait until after v.1.99 before footnotes get included, or perhaps v.1.999 ...?
  13. @MikeTOThanks, I was aware of this. However, much of the image content is monochrome (or sepia tinted) and any colour problems are picked up through at least one proofing stage (that is, proofs from the printers).
  14. @MikeTOI tend to use PNG or TIFF (rarely JPEG) depending on usage. PNG is often far smaller as a filesize. @Old BruceFair point about having a remote drive. In fact, I have three backups - a) to a 1GB HDD via wire, b) a 256GB USB stick, c) 512GB cloud storage. Call me paranoid, but you can never tell! 😉
  15. @MikeTOThanks for the feedback. @John RostronThat's a very good point and I'll be interested in Mike's feedback. Personally, I think using linked images is the only way to go. In the main folder where I keep the images there are something like 36,000 and 101GB worth of data. Naturally, I will only be using a fraction of these, but it does demonstrate how unwieldy a book can become if the images were embedded. My project is rather mind-blowing (for me, anyway) as it's likely to be spread over five immense volumes of about 500–600pp, or ten volumes over the user-friendly 300pp each (hence my question). I've written about 460,000 words so far so it's very difficult ATM to calculate the best way forward, but I feel that sub-dividing the book into the various points in history is most pertinent. Thanks for the help, David
  16. I'm just curious. I'd be interested to learn the size of projects that people are attempting. From my own aspect, my prevous books are illustrated on every spread, about 300pp in length, with pages measuring 210x280mm and I never had problems with InDesign. I've yet to make that leap of faith with Publisher (footnotes permitting), so is the format I propose too ambitious?
  17. garrettm30 was also the instigator of this very thread. I have already migrated back to InDesign (earlier paid for, not subscription) as there are three upcoming projects that need footnotes. It is surprising how easily I could adapt back to InDesign & Photoshop, to a certain extent that it shows the shortcomings of APub/Photo.
  18. Horse for Courses @J@HWC! 😉 I have only used endnotes at the end of chapters for one book, without any adverse feedback, but you are right about having the various options for the placement of notes. My current book is so large (356,000 words and counting) that having them all at the back of the book would be a nightmare. One section alone has 1,100 footnotes, although that will be edited down in due course. Also, I never put pertinent data in a foot/endnote, just cross-references and sources.
  19. This is something I recommended pages ago. To my mind, endnotes should really be stored at the end of each chapter or section; lumping them at the end of the book is a real faff.
  20. Is it possible that Serif are holding back this feature until v2.0 is ready? If so, then that is extremely pernicious. Let me reiterate: implementing endnotes is not difficult. It's really just collating all the footnotes into a table, creating a space at the end of the chapter, or book, and plonking the table there. Simples. Footnotes are a little trickier as this requires creating space for each page and juggling the content to accommodate them, but it still is not rocket science. The fact that the endnotes and/or footnotes do not even feature in a beta-test is dispiriting to say the least. That Serif cannot confirm one way or the other if/when it is appearing, equally so. Given the amount of comments this feature alone has generated (90% uncomplimentary - being generous here) just shows the disappointment being experienced by users. I agree with previous comments: DTP without end/footnotes is not DTP.
  21. Announcement of the new Affinity Publisher Workbook Dare I ask if foot/endnotes are described within??? If not, then what is the point of issuing a tutorial book about a product that's unfinished?
  22. Well said #MJWHM. Helmar seems to overlook the very pertinent point that AP was, and still is, being promoted as a "professional" product. Foot/Endnotes are an essential part of a "professional" program. End of.
  23. Have you tried importing/exporting the file as a PDF or RTF? I think either of those should carry over the foot/endnotes.
  24. The jump to version 2 should include more significant changes rather than just addressing bugs and tweaking the code. I'm not expecting anything till then, but I'll be damned disappointed if it isn't included by v2.0.
  25. Thanks both, and I'll check out the Snap options.
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