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  1. Hello, I make Dutch educational video's and just finished the course for Affinity Photo. Great program by the way Now i have to decide te create a course for Publisher or Designer. For Publisher has just released i would like to know if there will be a major update soon or not. Do you also publish expected new release dates for your products? That would make it easier for me te decide which program is most worthy to develop a complete course for.
  2. I just tried the option New Layer with Mask from Refine and that did a real good job as you said. Thank you for this advise. Works perfect and i can always remove small details with the mask.
  3. As you can see the edges contain still the blue color from the original image. Do you know a technique that i can use to remove it. horse.afphoto
  4. How can i remove the color cast which keeps appearing when i Refine selections? Especially when selecting hair and fur. In Photoshop there is an option decontaminate color that helps removing the color cast.
  5. You want to resize the picture to new absolute dimensions and should choose Absolute Size from the Mode in Cropping. Fill in the with, height, units and dpi. and your image will resize to those measurements.
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