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  1. It is possible (but tedious and counter-productive) to export each individual page from Finale as an image file, which AF Publisher will then not distort. But I hope this bug can be fixed that PDFs of sheet music from programs like FInale could just be imported directly to AF Publisher. This bug meant that my original purchase of AF Publisher's predecessor was just a waste of money.
  2. Hi, Just a heads up about a bug I had already experienced (and reported) back when I bought PagePlusX6. Apparently Affinity Publisher still has the same issue that made it impossible for me to use PagePlus to publish sheet music. I create sheet music using Finale. That program can export/print its .mus files as PDFs. Only in PagePlus / Affinity Publisher this sheet music turns into gobbledygook. I attach a file to illustrate the end result. I also include a PDF to show what it should look like. I do hope this issue can be resolved. Thanks. Viktor 24.afpub Lesson 24.pdf
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