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  1. There may be some reason for this that is beyond my understanding, but when I go to save a copy of a file the “OK” button is on the left and the “CANCEL” button is on the right. But when I go to export a file, the “OK” button is now on the right and the “CANCEL” button is on the left? Depending on which operation I’m performing, I have to either remember right or left to action the save/export or actually stop and read the buttons? What kind of nonsense UI design can’t even maintain consistency over which side the “Cancel” button is? It might not seem like a big thing, but these kinds of confusing contradictions can really slow you down or break the flow. Honestly, just choose one. Most systems put the action on the right and the cancel on the left. But hey, if you want to be different that’s fine, but at least be consistent.
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