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  1. Hi, I look at Serif Page Plus X8 shotcut icon and I know exactly what is about. I look at my Affintiy PHoto shortcut Icon and the colours are vivid and the design is like that of a camera lens shutter - there is a connection with photo's and photography. I look at the Affinity Publisher short cut Icon and I think "bluh, bland boring, what is that". it reminds me of elevator wall paper or old curtains from the 1950's, not state of the art technology or software. The colours are bland and the straight lines lend themselves to something far from creative and inspiring. Can someone please explain the logic of the design for the short icon used for affinity? Am I missing something, some logic or explanation as to that choice of design? Cheers
  2. Thank you for your reply. I have and use Serif Page Plus 8 and Affinity Photo version I have built an expensive PC for video editing. It uses the Intel Raid Chipset C600 series. Intel will not support later versions of Windows 10 with the required drivers. They seem to think being green means counting dollars rather than supporting older chipsets for powerful expensive workhorses which are otherwise fully functional. I cannot afford to replace my PC to benefit from using Publisher. I cannot understand how Affinity can produce Affinity Photo which works fine on my version of windows. This seems a short sighted approach by Affinity for people in my position. My laptop is a Dell XPS M1530 which again requires drivers not supported in the later versions of windows 10. Are Affinity really saying "folks, we know the world likes to be Green but we here at Affinity can't find away around our problem that will allow you to continue to use your "old" PC and laptops so just chuck them away and go buy some new hard ware costing thousands of pounds to use our software which costs less than £100"? I'm sorry for my synicism but I'll stick with Serif Page Plus and Affinity Photo. Publisher will not be on my shopping list as I'll not replace a £2000+ PC which works well to sort out a software problem.
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