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  1. (on Fedora 30, Affinity Information I tried to run Affinity previously, but only got to the point of "VK_CHILD_WINDOW_RENDERING" not being implemented and after not using Affinity Photo for a long time to stay with Linux I got the following message on Discord: So I had to try it out and what can I say? It works flawlessly! Installation Download Affinity 1.6.5 from: "https://store.serif.com/de/update/windows/photo/1/" The following commands are required to install and use Affinity Photo (Run EVERYTHING in the same terminal instance). Open a terminal in the same folder, you downloaded Affinity into! # Download and extract the correct wine version curl -L https://lutris.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/runners/wine/wine-lutris-vkchildwindow-4.12.1-x86_64.tar.xz > wine-lutris-vkchildwindow-4.12.1-x86_64.tar.xz tar xf wine-lutris-vkchildwindow-4.12.1-x86_64.tar.xz # Set the path to wine for winetricks to work correctly export WINE="$PWD/lutris-vkchildwindow-4.12.1-x86_64/bin/wine" # Remove the old wine prefix rm -rf ~/.wine alias wine=$WINE wine wineboot -i When this window opens, click on "Cancel" # Downloading the newest version of winetricks curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Winetricks/winetricks/master/src/winetricks > winetricks chmod +x winetricks Now that everything is downloaded, and a new prefix was created, you have to install some dependencies. Follow the instructions in the setups and click on "Reboot Now". You can ignore warnings by the setups. # To prevent errors from mono ./winetricks remove_mono -q # For the installer ./winetricks dotnet35sp1 -q # For the main application ./winetricks dotnet472 -q # Set windows to 8.1, since aero is not found if set to win7 ./winetricks win81 -q Run the installer with: (Deselect desktop shortcut) wine affinity-photo- Install DXVK to make Affinity Photo work git clone https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk ./dxvk/setup_dxvk.sh install Affinity should now be installed under "~/.wine" Desktop Shortcut Run this code below! cd ~/.local/share/applications/ echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> "Affinity Photo.desktop" echo "Name=Affinity Photo" >> "Affinity Photo.desktop" echo "Exec=$WINE '/home/$USER/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Affinity/Photo/Photo.exe'" >> "Affinity Photo.desktop" echo "Icon='/home/$USER/.local/share/applications/$(ls ../icons/hicolor/256x256/apps | grep Photo | head -n 1)'" >> "Affinity Photo.desktop" echo "Type=Application" >> "Affinity Photo.desktop" echo "Categories=Photo;Utility;" >> "Affinity Photo.desktop"
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