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  1. First of all, I purchased Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer from Microsoft Store, because at the time of purchase I thought that the website and the microsoft store versions are the same, with some exceptions regarding how the software is being updated (for the ones purchased from the microsoft store you don't have to do anything, they update seamless in the background, but with the website versions you have to update them manually). Ok, so starting from this information, I first bought Affinity Photo a while ago. All the things seemed alright, but I noticed that the thumbnails of affinity photo's files do not contain the icon of affinity photo, so it was a bit hard to distinguish the affinity files from the actual exported files, because they looked the same. I had to turn on file extension to know which is which. I thought it was by design and moved on with my work. After some time I decided to try Affinity Designer. So I went to their website and downloaded the free trial of the software. But this time, when I saved some illustrations as .afdesign I noticed that the thumbnails of the files had an extra icon showing the logo of Affinity Designer. This was something very useful as I can distinguish the .afdesigner files from the exported files. So I decided to also buy Affinity Designer, and I really wanted to buy it from the website so that I can have the program's icon on thumbnails but I already had Affinity Photo purchased from microsoft store. It will be weird to download one from store and the other from website. So please, can someone tell me and others who may come across this topic, why the Microsoft Store versions of Affinity software don't have their icons on the thumbnails?? I also attached two photos of what I'm trying to say. The thumbnail with the Affinity Designer logo appears only on the website version of the product. The thumbnail without the Affinity Designer logo results from the Microsoft Store version of the product.
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