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Posts posted by Bobthearch

  1. 1 minute ago, LeeThorpe said:


    There are many reasons not to support Windows 7, technical, security, and the simple fact that Microsoft no longer support Windows 7.  Windows 8 also loses support in January.


    I understand completely if they don't officially 'support' Windows 7.  But what is actually preventing the program from running on Windows 7?  That's what I'm curious about.

    I suspect some software companies are filtering by OS during the install process to manufacture a compatibility issue when the software would otherwise work just fine.



  2. 2 minutes ago, walt.farrell said:

    I recall seeing a post from Serif saying that even when they release an MSI-based installer, the apps will not run on Windows 7.

    I've encountered a few programs now that claim to be incompatible with Windows 7, but in real life work just fine.  I think some software companies are using it as a disclaimer just because they no longer test on Windows 7 and don't want to be responsible for troubleshooting and bugfixing potential issues.


  3. I realize Windows 7 is an older operating system, but the computer was built as a high-end machine and still runs very well.  I currently run Affinity, On1, ACDSee, DaVinci Resolve, and many others with no performance issues.

    At this time the cost of a new build is prohibitive, especially just to install a single program that requires a newer OS.

    Is there a particular technical reason why V2 is incompatible with Windows 7?  Is it the MSIX installer perhaps?  Or maybe it's just listed as incompatible as a disclaimer?

    Just curious.

  4. 1 hour ago, v_kyr said:

    I assume those are Canon .cr2 RAW format files and not .cr3 files then.

    According to an older thread on Dpreview the FastPicturViewer Codec (https://www.fastpictureviewer.com/codecs/) still can show up thumbnail images for an EOS M6. Another possible codec (Windows 10-App Microsoft Raw Image Extension ) to check/test from MS would be maybe this one here.

    The MS RAW Image Extension uses Libraw and thus should support these cams here (see the libraw list).

    Yes, they are cr2 RAW files.

    I haven't tried those codecs from Fast Picture Viewer yet as I (naively?) figured either Canon would have a codec available for their own darn files, or Affinity would have a solution I just didn't know about.  I stumped how neither of those is immediately true.

    Microsoft Raw Image Extension is for Windows 10 only.

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