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Posts posted by ckuehne

  1. I brought an eps file into Designer which has several shapes inside one layer (which is being described as 'Curves' in the layer menu).  There was one shape that I wanted to copy and paste into the same set of curves, so that the file retains one set of curves, but I can't find a way to do that.  Every time I go to paste the shape, it creates a new separate layer called 'Curve'). At the very least, I know that merging the layer called 'Curve' and the layer called 'Curves' into one would achieve the same desired effect, but I can't find a way to do that, either.


    So to use the nomenclature of Designer, combine a separate 'Curve' - to a pre-exisiting set of 'Curves', to make one 'Curves'.


    Designer clearly supports having multiple curves inside one set of curves, but I'm not seeing an obvious menu item or contextual menu to make this happen. I want to do this without using layers - just combine all curves into one set.


    If someone could point me into the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.


    Thank you.

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