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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Indeed, it doesn't look good in general sense way, somewhat sloppy thought its actually trivial and non-important once being revealed. It is certainly something that affects how general public looks at Affinity Photo, I myself am glad that more important functions don't fail, and that this forum can provide solutions to the ongoing problems.
  2. Hi, yep, as mentioned, with looking at some other posts and more observing, I've found out the issue is just about deceptive progress bar, which stays at zero until export is almost finished. With enough patience all exports were completed. I have utterly miserable PC configuration, so I can hardly say it's software fault that I have to wait for extended period of time. AP is actually very quick on my inferior machine compared to all other software I use. The reason for posting is that previous exports were indeed much quicker, but now after enough files processed I can say it's directly related to number of operations within files. When I have lot of layers, it is always slow.
  3. Oh, I need to correct myself. After searching similar topics on the forums, and arming myself with much of patience, I found out that exporting some more comprehensive formats or heavier files can take more than 30 minutes on my PC. I am using AP for about month and a half, and so far the export process was significantly quicker, but with the fact that it indeed works, on contrary to what I stated on initiation of this topic, I will seemingly have to search for some causes on my PC setup.
  4. This is actually not a bug that prevent usage of some feature, but prevents complete use of Affinity Photo, but I don't see some link to tech support that would help. All of a sudden, export function completely stopped working and I cannot export any image in any format. I can use export command, select export setting, pick location for file saving, but when I click on save, "export item" dialog never shows any progress and stays stuck forever.
  5. I have passed many tutorials so far, but am yet to find some things that look simple, but I cannot find reference for it. So I am unsure how adjustments set as a childs to layer act in order of preference, is the adjustment on the bottom of child stack applied to layer first, than the one above it and so on, or vice versa?
  6. Thanks, it will take me time to go through it. I already visited export persona, but found preset menu which is the same as the one in export command of photo persona. So I have to dive into slices...
  7. As far as I got so far, saving export preset doesn't save pixel dimensions of the desired export. When export dialog is open, it always defaults to actual image dimensions, and changing export preset doesn't change those dimensions.
  8. I found this interesting article https://www.photography-raw.com/affinity-photo-develop-persona-raw-editor/ which states that sum of details and contribution should be 100%. There is no in-software limitation for this settings. I am trying to do something by trial and error, and am still away from satisfactory results. Pity there is no more avvailable sources as it seems many people use AP.
  9. Thank you for trying to answer. It took me time to read this article, yet I'm trying to understand what is "contribution" in Affinity Photo, how it differs from plain measure of amount, controlled by the other slider.
  10. Hi, I tried to find it by moving there and back, but couldn't: contribution slider on denoise filter is a mistery to me, how does it differs from amount slider? It looks to me that both sliders just affect the amount applied, be it luminance of colour denoise.
  11. Thanks, i will try it soon, I am just at the beginning phase of learning, but find many interesting things. For now, it looks that reducing opacity on fill layer and painting on it could solve this, thought I still don't fully understand how things work with masks, while Affinity looks very flexible, offering alternative options, which is really promising for my way of working. --- ...oh, I tried it in the meantime and that's exactly what I needed, as simple as pressing Q, but hard to find without some help or reaching the back cover of help index.
  12. I tried to search this topic, but it's possible too simple or I am missing something as a new user. Is there a way to preview mask during brushing it? Alt+click gives black and white preview that can help in general idea, but currently I don't know how to do fine brushing when I need image layer as a reference. Tutorial examples usually show filled layers when one distinct colour appear over another, while I have problem with filter masking like clarity filter, where changed are not so visible.
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