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Posts posted by vitamint

  1. Thanks R C-R,
    clearing just these 3 default items did the trick!

    Of course it was a sloppy try to just delete the mentioned plist file. I was aware that there must be much more, sowewhere else where we better don't mess with…

    Clearing more or even all presets and preferences would have been no problem here: Working as a web developer I use AD just very occasionally to fix-up some assets. For which it is really good, makes much more sense for my purposes than the "big-A-bloatware" alternatives. :34_rolling_eyes:

  2. Thanks for testing the file!

    I have deleted ~/Library/Preferences/com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner.plist now but that didn't help.
    And it was't recreated after relaunching Designer, while I could't find any other Preferences files. So I will try to reinstall the app.
    Very bizarre issue however. And it doesn't happen with some other SVG that was exported from Adobe Illustrator.

    But the same problem occurs with the SVG file from firstdefence – see scrennshot, right after opening looks like this:


  3. I had a number of very primitive SVGs to make some adjustments (resizing etc. – see attachment)…

    But whenever I open these .svg files (from several different sources), the contents show up 180 degrees ROTATED in Affinity Designer (1.7.2, macOS)!
    Please try it with attached file. Opens fine and upright in Safari, Chrome, Firefox… 
    In Affinity Designer however, after opening this SVG the Curves are upside down in the document. While upright in the Navigator Preview.

    Then, I select the object and set Rotation 180. After that it's upside down in the Navigator Preview.
    And, most annoyingly, after exporting to SVG, it renders upside down in the browsers too!

    What is going on?

    I have follow-up questions to this, but the rotation-issue is the most disturbing right now.

    Thanks for checking and improving. I like Affinity Designer very much, besides some weird issues now and then.


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