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Myriad Roman Italic seems okay now

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In the just released 481 Designer & Publisher I still get the almost horizontal flasing curser with Myriad Roman Italic and Bold Italic. But in Designer and Photo 486 betas this problem isn't there. I mention it here because I couldn't see anything in the Beta notes about this improvement. A problem that remains with this font is that when this font is set to bold italic, pressing the "Italic" icon to tuen off the italic has no effect. I guess this is a particularly troublesome font although Pageplus and Quark 2015 seem to be okay with it.


Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM

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  • Staff

We have made fixes/improvements to this area (Some fonts incorrectly keep 'Italics' activated) of the program in the latest customer beta. If you would like to try these changes the beta software is available in the forum posts listed below.

The latest beta builds are downloadable from links at the top of each of these beta forum posts.

These betas install parallel, next to the release version (they do not overwrite your release) and so the fixes can be tried in the beta without affecting your normal workflow in the release version.

Once these programs have been through a full beta process the change will be released in a future free 1.8.0 update/patch to all customers.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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