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Textured Intensity Brushes on AD iPad

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Hi, I’m looking for help or documentation that will help me understand the behaviour of some Textured Intensity vector brushes I made, please.  I’ve attached the 2 PNG images used to define the brushes; they are different slices of the same circle in a single file (Dots.afdesign).

I’m trying to make a vector brush that I can color, and produces a string of evenly spaced round dots, size to vary with pen pressure.

I’m very much a novice when it comes to making brushes, so any guidance will be very much appreciated.

I defined 3 brushes from the two attached images:  Dots V1, Dots V2 (100) and Dots V2(200), named for their source images.  The difference between Dots V2(100) and Dots V2 (200) is the Width specified when defining the brush.

  1. My puzzles began with Dots V1.  I expected round dots, but they appear to be both deformed and have rough edges.  Some of the tutorials I’ve looked at have advised using a square image without providing any explanation or justification.  I surmised that might be my problem, even though I really prefer to understand what I’m doing....
  2. Dots V2 is the square version of the brush image.  While defining the first brush with this image I noticed that the preview varies with the Width specification, so I defined two brushes with this image.
  3. Screen shots of brush definitions are attached.

I made a new document (Dot Brush Tests, attached) to test my brushes (the vector curves are named for the brush that was applied).  I made a single vector curve, duplicated it twice, and spaced them out.

Best result seems to be Dots V1.  The Dots V2 brushes both make severely deformed circles; I assume the difference in circle sizes reflects the different Width settings.

  1. Is there a way to make a Textured Intensity brush that emits evenly spaced circles?
  2. How would I make the size of the emitted circles sensitive to pen pressure?
  3. Is there a way to make the distance between circles vary with pen pressure?
  4. Is there any substance to the idea that nozzles should be square, especially when it’s clear that many of the standard-issue vector brushes are not based on square nozzles?
  5. Why are my circles deformed?




Dots V1.png

Dots V2.png

Dot Brush Tests.afdesign




Edited by LionelD
Updated to attach screen shots of brush definitions
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@Callum Thanks for the response. The attached file has all 3 brushes referenced above.  I hope this is what you need.

By the way, I’m using a “new” iPad Pro circa April this year, Apple Pencil with iOS 12.4.1 and the corresponding version of AD from the App Store.  I also have AD for Mac, current version.


Test Textured Intensity.afbrushes

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  • Staff

Hi LionelD,

I have just heard back from our QA agents and unfortunately textured brushes are designed so that they will always deform the image to fit the curve of the brush. Unfortunately what you are trying to do isn't possible with textured brushes. You could use a raster brush but that wont give you as much flexibility. 



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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