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Import ressources from Windows to MAC

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I have created a (relatively) big Affinity Publisher project under Windows (purchased version) with many photos: ~140 (all linked ! ) Photos.

My ACER i5 with 8GB RAM Laptop got VERY SLOW.

So I closed the Affinity Publisher and moved all pictures to another directory and reopened publisher again.

Now, the publisher tells me, it cannot find all the resources. And it shows me all the images in a poor preview mode.

But it is OK for me. The main issue is: THE PUBLISHER IS VERY FAST NOW! Super! I can go on and work with this project further.


Now, today I lent an I MAC (i5, 3,2GHz) and want to try on MAC. Perhaps I will have more luck.

I downloaded the Affinity Publisher on the MAC and startet in test period.

Then I tranferred the project (it is currently ~6MB big, all the photos are only linked) to the MAC.

Under Windows I hat all the photos lets say under c:\tranfer\ForPublisher\


How can I say the Publisher on MAC, that it should search for all the photos under lets say /Users/MyUserAccount/Documents/ForPublisher?

Thank you

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  • Staff

Hi E.W. and Welcome to the Forums,

If you open the .afpub on your Mac, you'll get a message about missing linked resources and the option to locate them.  Click Yes to this message and then browse to where you've copied the folder with images in and click Open.  Affinity will then relink the link images :) 

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