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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally think this would be a great idea - Figma is getting a lot of attention and some kind of collaberation between Affinity and Figma or the abiltiy to import designer files into figma and retain as much editability as possible would be brilliant. Also I think both Figma and Affinity would benefit.

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I've been doing some testing today and there's quite a loing way to go to get full interpolation between Affinity Designer and Figma.

A few things I noticed (assuming there isn't a setting I've overlooked):

Affinity Designer outputs rectangles to SVG as paths  -  if outputted as <rect> you can use attribute rx to specifiy rounded corners. In theory that should make it easier to retain rounded corner editability and import into Figma as a rectangle which would be very handy.

If you import an SVG into Figma exported from Affinity Designer that includes shapes or vectors with pattern fills you get weird results (patterned filled objects are resized to 1x1px and positioned to 0,0 on the canvas in the tests I did).

The last issue was when I imported an SVG into Figma exported from Designer I eneded up with a lot of extra groups and sub-groups for some reason, in more complex deisgns that will make everything a complete nightmare. When esporting to SVG from Designer you can reduce thenumber of layer  groups by checking  'flatten transforms'.

I reported to Figma as well and hope for some better compatbiltiy in the future. To use the best features of Figma we need to retain maximum editability of designs so when presenting to a client we can do tweaks on the fly in the front of them.

I'm not claiming to be any eport on the SVG format but the SVGs exported from Designer do seem bloated.

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